Raising Thinkers

Discover the ultimate FREE resource hub for parents. Join Raising Thinkers for exclusive podcasts, monthly Q&A sessions, and curated educational tools to support your child's development.

Raising Thinkers

This is a space for parents who are dedicated to their child's development and want to be an active source of endless creative, fun, and educational experiences.

You can easily access my podcast on any major audio platform, but I've also created some exclusive free content just for members. As a member, you'll enjoy curated lists of materials, activities, and more, plus access to my private live Q&A sessions. We gather once a month for a fun, interactive, and informative experience with ideas of how to help support your child's learning.

Join our Raising Thinkers Community to get connected. Already a member? Sign in to visit our community and join the discussion.


🌟 What Awaits You:

  • Exclusive invitation to monthly video discussions including Q&A time
  • Set of synectics questions to engage in fun, deeper reasoning discussions with your child
  • List of playful ways to engage your child in deeper math thinking at home
  • List of math literature to help your child develop math conceptual understandings
  • List of math manipulatives to help your child master challenging math concepts
  • Be the first to know when a new podcast episode is released
  • Access to comments section on all blog posts (except premium paid content) to engage with our community
  • Access to the Raising Thinkers Team
  • No spam ever