Raising Mathematicians

Support your child’s math journey with videos tailored for parents. From early learners to Grade 5, set your child up for success.

Raising Mathematicians
Understand the 'Why' Behind Modern Math Methods – Designed Exclusively for Parents and Teachers!

Math isn't the same as when we were in school. Students don't just need to know their facts, they need to understand them, work flexibly with them, and be able to explain their thinking using a variety of strategies to be considered successful.

Raising Mathematicians is a comprehensive video library containing over 40 instructional videos per grade to help parents know how to support their children. These videos explain both common and less familiar mathematical methodologies, incorporating the best standards in modern education.

Why Choose Raising Mathematicians?

While many resources focus on teaching children, Raising Mathematicians is uniquely dedicated to empowering parents and teachers. We offer the insights and tools you need to navigate the complexities of modern math education, ensuring you understand the 'why' behind today's methods.

Our approach bridges the gap between school and home, so you can confidently support your child’s learning journey without confusion or frustration. With over 40 instructional videos per grade, this comprehensive library is designed specifically for parents and teachers, not just students, making it easier for you to assist your child in mastering math concepts.

Does your child's school or homeschool curriculum use any of the following programs or approaches? If so, you're in the right place.

  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Program
  • Singapore Mathematics (Math in Focus, Think! Mathematics, etc.)
  • Developing Roots
  • Bridges Math
  • Reggio-Emilia approach
  • Montessori
  • Eureka Math (also known as EngageNY)
  • Standard math curriculum in public or charter schools (Go Math!, Everyday Mathematics, etc.)
  • Mathletics, Reflex Math, Prodigy, Freckle, Frax, i-Ready, Khan Academy, Zearn, Brilliant

If you've been stuck helping your child with math at home and they have said, "That's not the way my teacher said to do it," you are not alone. Gain insider access to how mathematics is being presented in short videos that can help you to assist your child the way they are learning, thereby avoiding confusion, confrontation and frustration!

Raising Mathematicians

Grades 3, 4, and 5 Now Available!

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Video Library

Grade 3

Multiplication... it's a BIG deal. Knowing their facts from 0 x 0 to 12 x 12 is important, but more important is knowing what multiplication is, and its connection to addition... along with all the other strategies of how to solve multiplication problems. Then there is also division, the dreaded fractions, and more with shapes.

Grade 4

By the end of Grade 4, you want your child to really have mastered all four operations, with various strategies to solve any problem. Yes, it will all be reviewed in Grade 5, but if they really get them now, they'll be able to knock out Grade 5 with ease. They also need to be rocking and rolling with fractions at this point, especially comparing fractions and finding equivalents. Add on to all of this measuring angles and being able to express themselves well, describing the properties of geometric figures... let's just say it's a jam-packed year!

Grade 5

By this time, we're wrapping everything up into a nice, neat package that should leave your child with a solid mathematical foundation. This means completing operations with any fractions, integrating decimals into the four operations, and investigating volume. There's much more of course, with graphing, measurement, and beyond, but those are the hard hitting players to be aware of from the get-go.

Once students reach Middle School, many programs branch out in different ways and with different levels. For this reason, Raising Mathematicians only provides content for the elementary levels, where there is more consistency across the grades, regardless of your child's schools or curriculum. If your child has a strong foundation from Elementary School, rest assured they will be ready for success in mathematics regardless of the program!

Coming Soon!

Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten

It's all about the foundations of numeracy and developing their thinking skills through play and the use of concrete objects. This looks like lots of sorting and comparisons of quantities in different formats and with a variety of objects. There is also an emphasis, particularly in Kindergarten, on recognition and description of shapes.

Set your child up for success by using the same sorts of strategies and terminology that teachers are using in the classroom.

Grade 1

Math starts to get more "serious" at this point, with more formality and lots of addition and subtraction equations. It's not about memorization, but about developing a deep understanding about what these operations are, and how they are related to one another. Beyond this, children are building their understanding of place value, which is an essential building block for much of the rest of their mathematical future. Learning the basics of measurement such as length, time and money are also key at this stage.

Grade 2

By the time a student is in Grade 2, you're starting to see a greater emphasis on fluency with their addition and subtraction facts, larger numbers, and more learning with place value. Measurements jump from non-standard to standard units, requiring precision and accuracy. Geometric thinking transforms from merely identifying shapes to analyzing and classifying them based on different properties.

Raising Mathematicians

Grades 3, 4, and 5 Now Available!

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