Literature to Help Develop Math Conceptual Understandings

Find a list of books that will help you help your child develop a better understanding of mathematical concepts.

Literature to Help Develop Math Conceptual Understandings
Photo by Erik Mclean / Unsplash

Here you will find a curated list of over 40 books you can find at your local library or bookstore to help your child build their understanding of complex mathematical concepts. I have used many of these in my own teaching, or with my own children. I hope you and your children enjoy them too!

The books are organized by approximate grade level and mathematical strand, however, all of them are appropriate for the elementary level.

"Before they read words, children are reading pictures.” ― David Wiesner
Please note that I earn no commission from any of these links, I just put the list together in the best way I could to give you a quick visual of each book.
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