About this site

With a specialization in mathematics and experience working with gifted students, my mission is to help YOU—the parent—understand and navigate the diverse educational methodologies employed by top-tier schools and curricula.

Raising Thinkers is my independent project aimed at creating an educational resource hub and podcast designed to support parents in helping their children thrive. Launched in August 2020 by Shelley Love de Feliu, this platform offers ideas and strategies to nurture your child's growth as both a thinker and a mathematician. This is my digital corner, featuring both free and exclusive material, all designed to set your child on the path to success.

Does your child's school or homeschool curriculum use any of the following programs or approaches?

  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Program
  • Singapore Mathematics (Math in Focus, Think! Mathematics, etc.)
  • Developing Roots
  • Bridges Math
  • Reggio-Emilia approach
  • Montessori
  • Eureka Math (also known as EngageNY)
  • Standard math curriculum in public or charter schools (Go Math!, Everyday Mathematics, etc.)
  • Mathletics, Reflex Math, Prodigy, Freckle, Frax, i-Ready, Khan Academy, Zearn, Brilliant

If so, you're in the right place. As a math instructional coach, I work with teachers to help them implement strategies aligned with these curricula and approaches to learning. By joining our growing community, you as a parent can also learn how to support your child's mastery of the strategies taught in school, helping them become an accomplished mathematician.

What you can find here? First you can find my free Raising Thinkers Community, second you can find Raising Mathematicians.

I'll continue adding free and premium content as I listen to your needs, balancing my professional career, family, and this publication!

About Me

Teaching · Learning · Exploring

Shelley Love de Feliu

I am a wife, a mother, an educator, a podcaster, and many other things! Teaching for over 17 years, I love seeing children succeed. My favorite moments are when the lightbulb goes off and they make the critical connection to develop a deeper understanding. I have taught abroad and in the USA in both public and private schools. I have been a classroom teacher, an instructional coach, a gifted program coordinator, curriculum coordinator and a vice principal. Originally from California, I grew up in Florida and spent part of my childhood in Saudi Arabia.


My journey as a mother began during the pandemic in 2020, and in 2021, my husband and I welcomed our daughter into the world. In 2023, we welcomed a son into our family. Learning with these two little ones and from them has been a joy and a challenge! I am incredibly blessed to be a mother and to have an amazingly supportive and encouraging husband who shares in the journey with me each step of the way. The three of them are an inspiration to me, and without them, this website wouldn’t even exist. I hope some of what I share might help other moms and dads out there too.


I’ve been in education for over 17 years now. It’s hard to believe, as in my head, I still feel like I’m in my twenties! Public, private, elementary and middle school, I feel like I've almost "done it all," but I think I'm fine with skipping high school! My passions in education include differentiation, classroom engagement, student-teacher relationships, project-based learning, and student agency.


The Raising Thinkers podcast was also born during the pandemic. It was an effort to provide some ideas for parents who were stuck in quarantine lockdowns with their children. I want to help all children become responsible, helpful citizens who will make a difference in the world. As a parent or a teacher, perhaps some of the ideas can help you!